Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Communion Books

If you haven't heard yet, you can pick up your Communion books in the office! You can check the hours on the website or by calling.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Day in Bethlehem

Saturday afternoon we had a fabulous Day In Bethlehem. Families came with their children to visit Mary and Joseph and the new baby Jesus, make crafts, bake bread, play the dreidel game, and make a keepsake ornament. Everyone had a great time!

You can see our pictures here:

Ten Commandments and Christmas Caroling

At class on Saturday, we reviewed Chapter 7 (The Ten Commandments). We talked about making choices between right and wrong. We talked about sin and how there are really big sins that break our friendship with God (mortal sins) and smaller sins that hurt our friendship with God (venial sins). We talked about each of the Commandments and how they apply to us. I suggest you read Chapter 7 and go through the chart and talk about them as a family. We had a great discussion in class about this! 

At the end of class all of the other classes joined us and we sang Christmas carols together. We also "lit" the third Advent candle. It was a great experience to all come together and sing Christmas songs!

I especially enjoyed the enthusiastic rendition of "Happy Birthday Jesus". I got chills listening to it afterwards!

Check us out singing in the video below:

NONE! Merry Christmas!

Helping Children Deal with Tragedy

Reposted from my classroom blog:

In light of the events of Friday, please visit Miss Erin's blog here check out some links that can help parents talk to young children when tragedy hits.

There are some other links here:

This article gives some specific examples of what you can say to children when they ask about what happened or why the adults are sad:

One of the most important things is to limit what young children see on the TV. It is hard for young children to understand what they see and hear and we don't know how they rationalize it in their heads. 

Also, though we want to share information with kids, make sure what you share is developmentally appropriate. Your children of different ages may need to be told different things. You may want to warn older siblings to watch what they say to younger siblings. 

My thoughts and prayers are with all those touched by Friday's tragedy. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your families.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

All Saints Day

On October 27th, we presented our Saint Projects to the class. Most of of dressed up like our saints! We learned a lot of good information from one another. After each presentation, we asked A LOT of good questions about the saints. Some we had to look up the answers to, some were able to be answered right away. You can see a tidbit of information about each of the saints below. Ms. Stephanie took notes about what we presented. 

Homework: the chapter review for Chapter 3!

Our whole class

Ms. Reema, Ms. Stephanie, Miss Theresa

Things that we learned from our classmates' presentations
-St. Juan Diego: The first Indian State
-St. Matthew: tax collector, wrote a gospel, preached
-St. Nathalan-Bishop in Scotland, performed miracles during a famine
-St. Gemma: loved prayer, good students, helped the poor, died in 1903
-St. Asella-lived in a cell in Rome, spent most of her time praying and receiving psalms
-St. Alexandra: killed by her husband because she was a Christian, she stood up for beliefs
-St. Matthew: 1 of the 12 apostles, tax collector, wrote the first Gospel
-St. Bridget: from Ireland, gave food and clothing to the poor, loved and devoted to God, didn't want to get married, became a nun, very sweet girl
-St. Angela Merici: Saw her sister after she died, her sister told her to find other girls who also waned to help people, made order of Ursulines, helped sick people and educated girls
-Holy Ghost: A spiritual gift, is wisdom, healing knowledge, symbol is fire, came to Jesus' friends when Jesus went to Heaven
-St. Mary Magdalene: Jesus' disciple, most important female disciple, Jesus cleansed her, she was present at cross after disciples left, first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead, sent away from where she was living and landed in France, spent rest of her life in a cave, angels brought her Eucharist daily
-St. Catherine of Siena: First vision of Christ when she was 6 years old, helped poor people, she died in Rome and when the people of Siena tried to sneak her head out in a bag, the guards only found roses, back in Siena they only found her head again
-St. Theresa: gave her life to God, what matters in life is not great deeds but great love, she loved flowers
-St. Raphael of Brooklyn: Bishop of Brooklyn, built 29 parishes in the area
-St. Mary Mother of God: Visited by archangel Gabriel to tell her she would become mother of Jesus, after Joseph's death she depended on Jesus, she was devoted to him, followed her son, stood near the cross when he died
-St. Benedict: died while praying, beliefs and instruction are known as Rules of St. Benedict
-St. Adela: youngest daughter of William the Conqueror  educated, deeply religious, spoke several languages, god married and had 11 children, heroine of first crusade, rules estates as husband was away
-St. David: Welsh Bishop, founded monastery, good example as spiritual leader
-St. Peter: Worked at multiple churches, use to be fisherman, one of 12 apostles  can open all doors, he was at last summer, he was first apostle to perform miracles in the name of the lord
-St. Jeremy: He and 4 friends were slaves, tortured because they were Christian
-St. Blessed Charles the Good: son of King of Denmark, kind to poor, shared food, made sure food prices were affordable
-St. Didacus: born from poor parents, helped poor, lived hermit life, helped sick by making sign of cross, saint because spent life serving God
-St. Catherine Alexandria: changed to Catholic, defended faith when asked if she still believed in God, she refused to betray God when when she was put to death
-St. Maria of Goretti: Maria was attacked, she forgave her attacker as she was dying and her attacker begged her mom for forgiveness
-St. Jessica: from Joanna, one of the women helped protect Jesus, one o f 3 women who discovered empty tomb

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saints and Heroes

This week in class we focused on Chapter 3. 

We talked about heroes in our lives such as firefighters, our parents, police officers, doctors, soldiers, and teachers. We took the time to write letters to a real life hero that we know. PLEASE make sure your child is able to deliver his/her letter to the real life hero your child wrote to. We talked about heroes showing they are heroes by being brave and having courage even when they are afraid. 

Writing notes to our heores

We had dress up clothes on our tables to help inspire us to think of different heroes!

In our book we read the story of the Good Samaritan. We learned that in the story, the Good Samaritan was  probably scared because most people didn't like people from Samaria. But when he saw the injured man on the side of the road, he just couldn't pass him up. He stopped to take care of him, even though he knew people wouldn't like him. 

We made finger puppets to help us retell the story.

Retelling the story with finger puppets

You can watch a YouTube retelling of the story here:

We learned about some Saints that are also heroes. We talked about different things that one could do to be considered a hero. Can you think of anything?

We also drew pictures and wrote about heroes that we are going to hang up at church.

-Tell your family the Good Samaritan story with finger puppets
-nothing from the book because of the Saint Project
-Complete Saint Project and be ready to present to the class on Saturday. Everyone should dress up!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

9-29 Class Baptism

This week we did Chapter 2. 

Before we got going with class, we took care of housekeeping. MOST of the class did their homework from last week! We reviewed ways to check on the homework in case you can't remember what it is such as: checking the website or looking at the circle pages or post-it flags in the book. We also collected bulletins and song sheets for those who attended Mass last weekend. One classmate lost his bulletin, but Mom wrote a note about attending Mass. That was a great idea!

We began by praying around the Prayer Table and asking for special intentions for those in our lives who need extra prayer.

The next several pictures will show you the mobiles we made. We talked about being God's people and we drew pictures of people in our lives that are important to us. Some of us drew pictures and some of us wrote names depending on what was more comfortable for us. 

Chapter 2 was about Baptism. We talked about our own baptisms and some of us shared stories we have heard about our baptisms. Take a moment this week to talk to your child about his/her bapstism. Find some photos if you can and talk about the special day. 

We learned there are 4 important symbols at a baptism

water-to symbolize cleansing our sins away
oil-symbolizes the Holy Spirit
white clothes-symbolizes purity
candle-represents the light of Christ in our lives

When you look at your baptism photos, keep an eye out for those 4 things!

We learned that with baptism we entered in as members of the Church.

After learning about baptisms, we acted one out. We came up with ideas of who would be there such as: parents, godparents, grandparents, and a priest!

We followed along with the book and acted our a baptism.

(The garbage can was the baptismal font)

Pouring "water" over the baby's head

Rubbing oil on the baby

Making the sign of the cross

Giving the godparents a candle lit from the Easter Candle

Proud Parents with their baby
Our closing prayer
Chapter 2 review: pages 33 and 34
Preparation for Chapter 3: pages 45 and 46
Attend Mass and bring a bulletin or song sheet to class from each week

Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Day of Class

We had a super first day of second year religious ed today! This year the class make ups are a little different. We have second graders and third graders that are all making their First Communion this year. 

Mrs. Barb (the DRE) came to visit us. We learned she is like the "principal" of Religious Ed

We worked together to set up our prayer table. We added a green table cloth for Ordinary Time. We learned that the church has seasons, but they aren't fall, winter, spring, summer, like we are used to! Right now we are in the season of Ordinary Time and the color for that is green. We see green in the church and the priest wears green. All of us helped come up with ideas of things to put on the prayer table. What we have: candle (because Jesus is the light of the world), cross (because Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins), rosary (to help us pray), Bible, and even a picture of Jesus. Someone had the idea to put a picture of Jesus, and even though Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Reema hadn't planned to use one, they found one in their supplies!

We all gathered around the table to pray for a good year of Religious Ed, to ask God to help us learn, and we also had a chance to ask for special prayers for people in our lives who need them. After each prayer request we said, "Lord, hear our prayer."

After that, we made nametags with our name and we drew two pictures of things that represent us. We shared them with the class. Ms. Stephanie drew a book because she LOVES to read and a pumpkin because she grows pumpkins and sells them at Halloween. Ms. Reema drew a book because she LOVES to read too and a craft table because she loves to do crafts. 

We are going to "grow in the spirit" this year, so we wrote names of people that are important to us, that can help us grow, on a flower and cut it out. Some of us wanted to finish coloring and took them home. But we need to bring them back! Ms. Stephanie took our photos and they are going to go in the middle and hang around the room.

We went through Chapter 1 in our books today. We talked about different communities that we are a part of such as: family, school, soccer, cheerleading, guitar, church. We all brainstormed was to be part of our family, neighborhood, and church communities. 

In our books, we read a story about Levi welcoming Jesus to dinner. We read another story about a young boy named Tommy who moved into a new neighborhood and how some people were caring and welcoming towards him. In our books we drew ways we can be caring and welcoming such as: bringing food, saying hi, inviting him to play, bringing clothes, teaching him about the neighborhood, etc.

At the end of class, we reviewed what we learned for the day. We learned that if we ever miss a class, we can still do the homework because Ms. Stephanie posts it right here on the website! We also learned that we are going to have a sticker chart for attending Mass and for doing our homework!

-read the parent letter
-sign up for the Remind101 Text Messaging for Miss Stephanie AND Mrs. Barb
-fill out slip with email addresses and return next week
-Go on the BlestAreWe website and do an activity
-Do homework in the book with the post-it flags: 33, 34, 35, 36

4 pages may seem like a lot of homework, but don't worry! It won't take more than a few minutes to go through it together. A lot of it just just a quick review of what we did. The next two pages are preparing you to talk as a family about the chapters we will cover next week! I believe that YOU, the family, are just as important in the religious education process as me, the teacher!

Friday, August 3, 2012

VBS Day 4

You can check out the slideshow from our 4th day of VBS below!

What you will see:
Sing and Play-singing our songs for the day and learning the Bible Point
Snack-Learning about the snack for the day and making it!
Games-The preschoolers running through the hula hoop obstacle course. Then the older kids picked up clouds (cotton balls) with their noses!)
Imagination Station-Voting with our beads. 
Chadder-Chadder quizzed us about what we learned yesterday. 
Bible Adventures-We learned that Jesus died on the cross. Our crew leaders walked around the room with a cross to remind us how Jesus carried his cross. For us! For every one of us. We held our arms out and realized it must have been tiring! Then we talked about things that we do that aren't a good idea and put our sins on the cross. Jesus saved us from our sins!
Imagination Station-We threw our flyers outside!
Finale-We have raised over $170 so far for mosquito nets! Then Miss Sarah was trying to figure out how to make her kite work with the two halves. It just wouldn't work! Then she taped the pieces together and it worked! Through the cross, all things are possible!

We look forward to seeing you for our celebrations on Friday and Sunday!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

VBS Day 3

We can't believe there are only 2 more days left of VBS! We have learned so much and made such great friendships in such a short time! You may notice in the pictures we look goofy. It was crazy day!

What you see:
Sing and Play: Putting cotton balls on our poster to represent our God Sightings. Take the time to look around and notice God in everything you do! Silly Flash visits us at Sing and Play every day. We are teaching her to TRUST GOD!
Snack: We worked as a team to make the snack for the day.
Preschool Games
Snack: We had rootbeer floats! We put the ice cream in and then added the rootbeer. The ice cream floated to the top just like an eagle soars in the sky! The preschoolers also say our prayer when they have snack!
Imagination Station: Decorating our tube-a-loons
Bible Adventures: We found some clues in our garden and went on a hunt for clues. We found: 30 coins that Judas left when he felt bad for betraying Jesus, a crown of thorns Jesus wore, Jesus' clothes, and Pontius Pilate's belongings. With his belongings we found a bowl of water because he "washed his hands of Jesus". We went back to our garden and prayed together. 
Chadder Movie and Missions: We talked about Scout the eagle and then prayed together with Chadder. 
Preschool Imagination Station: We decorated our tube-a-loons and then threw them!
Imagination Station: Throwing our tube-a-loons outside. Just some plastic, but they could fly!
Sotlight Drama: Watching the powerpoint that WE starred in of the Bible Story.
Finale: We talked about mean things that people do. All of the crew leaders brought up balloons that represented bad things that kids do to each other. 
She felt the weight of the balloons. But when she trusted God, the balloons fell away!

VBS Day 2

Sorry I am late posting. We had a great day 2! You can read about what we learned today on the coloring sheet your child brought home.

Check it out!
What you see:
Sing and Play: Reviewing yesterday and learning the Bible Point for today. Collecting donations for our mosquito net collection. For every $6 collected, one mosquito net can be purchased to protect 2 kids in Africa!
Snack Service: One group made the snack for the day. Jello hearts and strawberry hearts!
Preschool Games: The "raised" Lazarus from under the parachute. 
Snack: We all ate together. 
Imagination Station: Decorating our hover balls: getting ready for our experiment. 
Bible Adventures: We learned about Jesus' friend Lazarus who was sick. We took care of him by putting blankets on him, but he died. We wrapped him in toilet paper and he went in the tomb. Jesus arrived and was very sad.  Suddenly a light came on and he came out. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. 
Preschool Imagination Station: Making our hoverballs!
Spotlight Drama
Finale: We learned that even when there are dark clouds around, the sun is always there behind them. Just like God is always there, even when we are sad! We also sang our songs and reviewed the day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

VBS Day 1

We had a phenomenal first day of VBS today!

Your child came home with a coloring sheet with information containing our Bible Point, Bible Buddy, and Bible Story. Take some time to talk to your child about this at home. They have a lot to share!

Check out our slideshow from today! You can see all of the fun things we did. In the middle you can even see a video of our snack time prayer! You could do this prayer at home before you eat too!

What you saw:
Sing and Play: singing and dancing and learning about the day
Snack: The preschoolers had snack service today. They made snack for everybody!
Spotlight Drama: Each day one group takes photos during games for our slideshow at the end of the day!
Games: Fun outside! The games focus on cooperation, not competition.
Imagination Station: Today we made our namebadge holders. They also hold our Bible Buddies!
Bible Adventures: We met out leaders and joined a Roman army! We saw a Roman officer's faith in action and discoverd Jesus' healing power!
Chadder Movie and Missions: We met Chadder and saw a movie about him. We started learning about our Operation Kid-to-Kid project. And got a Bible Buddy!
Snack: We all eat together. But first we pray!
Games: More games!
Finale: We reviewed the day, sang songs, played a game called "Will it launch?" and learned about our mosquito net donation collection. 1 net protects 2 kids for 4 years. Crazy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome to VBS 2012

Check out the VBS intro video here:

At Sky, kids discover that for God, ALL things are possible! Sky is filled with incredible experiences that allow kids to see, hear, touch, and even taste! Science-Fun Gizmos, team-building games, cool faith-filled songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the Sky activities that help faith flow into real life. Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life – something we call God Sightings. Get ready to hear that phrase a lot. Ask your child about his/her God Sighting each day!

Your kids will also participate in a hands-on project, through a program called Operation Kid-to-Kid with Catholic Relief Services, that will let the kids in our community show God’s love to children in Africa. We will be collecting donations (even pennies are great!) Tuesday through Friday. For each $6 collected, we will be able to donate one mosquito net to children in Africa to protect them from Malaria. One mosquito net protects 2 children for 4 years! Your child can bring change, cash, or a check (made to Church of the Holy Spirit) if you would like to participate.

Click on this picture to learn more about mosquito nets:

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Last Class and Jelly Bean Prayer

On Saturday we had our last Religious Education class of the year. 

On Saturday we drew pictures and wrote words that showed what we understand about "Father, Son, Holy Spirit". We did this activity at the beginning of the year and then did it again this Saturday. We compared and contrasted our papers to see what we learned throughout the year. 

The Jelly Bean Prayer
Since Saturday was the last class and we are currently celebrating the season of Easter, we each received a bag of jelly beans with a special prayer inside. We talked about the meaning of each line of the prayer as we tasted the differently colored jelly beans. 

The Jelly Bean Prayer

Lord, in my bag I see colorful jelly beans.
What could they mean?

Black is for the brokenness of my sin.
Red is for the blood; my salvation you’d win.
Purple is for faith; it’s a gift I received!
White is for cleansing of sin. I believe!
Green is for studying your Word so I’ll grow.
Orange is for the promise of heaven,
 where one day I’ll go.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and you will be saved.
Acts 16:31

First Communion Taste Test

A few weeks ago we had the chance to taste test the bread and wine at Religious Ed class.

We practiced lining up and taking communion like we were at church. We learned that since the gifts were not consecrated (blessed) they are still bread and wine and not yet Jesus' body and blood (but they will still taste the same). 

We practiced: 
-Holding our hands in front of us-left over right. 
-When the priest/minister says, "The body of Christ," we respond, "Amen." 
-Then we pick up the host with the other hand and put it in our mouths. We try not to chomp on it like gum, but we can chew it to make it easier to swallow. 
-Then we go to the next minister. When the minister says, "The blood of Christ," we respond, "Amen." 
-Then we take the cup in both of our hands and take a small sip. 
-Though some people do "dip" the host, we are encouraging taking a sip. It is actually more germ-y to dip than sip because people's fingers have more germs than their mouths! And even when people don't think they are, they often get their fingers in the cup. Though some churches do allow parishioners who desire to do so, dip. Proper practice is to sip the wine. 
-One of the most important things we learned: When you get back to your seat, it is a time to sit and pray. Thank God for the things in your life and ask for prayers for what you need.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stations of the Cross

For Religious Ed class on Saturday we were very busy! First Fr. John talked to us about adoration. It is an opportunity for us to be in the presence of Jesus and use that time to pray to Jesus truly present in the Eucharist. We place the Blessed sacrament (or consecrated host) into the monstrance and pray to Jesus present there

Then we went on a scavenger hunt around the church. After that, they 5th graders acted out the stations of the cross for us. At the end we were able to go around the church and see the stations ourselves. We talked about what was happening in each one and what we remembered from seeing the presentation. 

You can go through the Stations of the Cross with your child right here:

Why Stations of the Cross?
From the website:

Stations are places where people wait while they are going from one place to another. A school-bus stop is like a station. People wait at train stations or bus stations or airports. Think of some stations where you have been.

Stations are also places where people take time to think about Jesus as he went to die on a cross. They are “Stations of the Cross.” They show us how much Jesus loved us.

You do not have to think of all of the Stations of the Cross on one day. You may want to stay at one Station with Jesus for a few days before you move to another Station. Whatever you decide, Jesus is with you and he loves you.

As you "visit" each station on the website with your child, look at the picture and ask him or her
"What is happening here?"

At church we looked at each painting around the church and talked about what was happening after we saw the presentation by the 5th graders. 


Our Scavenger Hunt

the seats

the altar

the baptismal font

the altar

the Presider's chair

 thurible (incense thing)

Blessed Sacrament Chapel


Presentation of Stations of the Cross