Sunday, November 11, 2012

All Saints Day

On October 27th, we presented our Saint Projects to the class. Most of of dressed up like our saints! We learned a lot of good information from one another. After each presentation, we asked A LOT of good questions about the saints. Some we had to look up the answers to, some were able to be answered right away. You can see a tidbit of information about each of the saints below. Ms. Stephanie took notes about what we presented. 

Homework: the chapter review for Chapter 3!

Our whole class

Ms. Reema, Ms. Stephanie, Miss Theresa

Things that we learned from our classmates' presentations
-St. Juan Diego: The first Indian State
-St. Matthew: tax collector, wrote a gospel, preached
-St. Nathalan-Bishop in Scotland, performed miracles during a famine
-St. Gemma: loved prayer, good students, helped the poor, died in 1903
-St. Asella-lived in a cell in Rome, spent most of her time praying and receiving psalms
-St. Alexandra: killed by her husband because she was a Christian, she stood up for beliefs
-St. Matthew: 1 of the 12 apostles, tax collector, wrote the first Gospel
-St. Bridget: from Ireland, gave food and clothing to the poor, loved and devoted to God, didn't want to get married, became a nun, very sweet girl
-St. Angela Merici: Saw her sister after she died, her sister told her to find other girls who also waned to help people, made order of Ursulines, helped sick people and educated girls
-Holy Ghost: A spiritual gift, is wisdom, healing knowledge, symbol is fire, came to Jesus' friends when Jesus went to Heaven
-St. Mary Magdalene: Jesus' disciple, most important female disciple, Jesus cleansed her, she was present at cross after disciples left, first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead, sent away from where she was living and landed in France, spent rest of her life in a cave, angels brought her Eucharist daily
-St. Catherine of Siena: First vision of Christ when she was 6 years old, helped poor people, she died in Rome and when the people of Siena tried to sneak her head out in a bag, the guards only found roses, back in Siena they only found her head again
-St. Theresa: gave her life to God, what matters in life is not great deeds but great love, she loved flowers
-St. Raphael of Brooklyn: Bishop of Brooklyn, built 29 parishes in the area
-St. Mary Mother of God: Visited by archangel Gabriel to tell her she would become mother of Jesus, after Joseph's death she depended on Jesus, she was devoted to him, followed her son, stood near the cross when he died
-St. Benedict: died while praying, beliefs and instruction are known as Rules of St. Benedict
-St. Adela: youngest daughter of William the Conqueror  educated, deeply religious, spoke several languages, god married and had 11 children, heroine of first crusade, rules estates as husband was away
-St. David: Welsh Bishop, founded monastery, good example as spiritual leader
-St. Peter: Worked at multiple churches, use to be fisherman, one of 12 apostles  can open all doors, he was at last summer, he was first apostle to perform miracles in the name of the lord
-St. Jeremy: He and 4 friends were slaves, tortured because they were Christian
-St. Blessed Charles the Good: son of King of Denmark, kind to poor, shared food, made sure food prices were affordable
-St. Didacus: born from poor parents, helped poor, lived hermit life, helped sick by making sign of cross, saint because spent life serving God
-St. Catherine Alexandria: changed to Catholic, defended faith when asked if she still believed in God, she refused to betray God when when she was put to death
-St. Maria of Goretti: Maria was attacked, she forgave her attacker as she was dying and her attacker begged her mom for forgiveness
-St. Jessica: from Joanna, one of the women helped protect Jesus, one o f 3 women who discovered empty tomb

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