Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saints and Heroes

This week in class we focused on Chapter 3. 

We talked about heroes in our lives such as firefighters, our parents, police officers, doctors, soldiers, and teachers. We took the time to write letters to a real life hero that we know. PLEASE make sure your child is able to deliver his/her letter to the real life hero your child wrote to. We talked about heroes showing they are heroes by being brave and having courage even when they are afraid. 

Writing notes to our heores

We had dress up clothes on our tables to help inspire us to think of different heroes!

In our book we read the story of the Good Samaritan. We learned that in the story, the Good Samaritan was  probably scared because most people didn't like people from Samaria. But when he saw the injured man on the side of the road, he just couldn't pass him up. He stopped to take care of him, even though he knew people wouldn't like him. 

We made finger puppets to help us retell the story.

Retelling the story with finger puppets

You can watch a YouTube retelling of the story here:

We learned about some Saints that are also heroes. We talked about different things that one could do to be considered a hero. Can you think of anything?

We also drew pictures and wrote about heroes that we are going to hang up at church.

-Tell your family the Good Samaritan story with finger puppets
-nothing from the book because of the Saint Project
-Complete Saint Project and be ready to present to the class on Saturday. Everyone should dress up!

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