Sunday, September 30, 2012

9-29 Class Baptism

This week we did Chapter 2. 

Before we got going with class, we took care of housekeeping. MOST of the class did their homework from last week! We reviewed ways to check on the homework in case you can't remember what it is such as: checking the website or looking at the circle pages or post-it flags in the book. We also collected bulletins and song sheets for those who attended Mass last weekend. One classmate lost his bulletin, but Mom wrote a note about attending Mass. That was a great idea!

We began by praying around the Prayer Table and asking for special intentions for those in our lives who need extra prayer.

The next several pictures will show you the mobiles we made. We talked about being God's people and we drew pictures of people in our lives that are important to us. Some of us drew pictures and some of us wrote names depending on what was more comfortable for us. 

Chapter 2 was about Baptism. We talked about our own baptisms and some of us shared stories we have heard about our baptisms. Take a moment this week to talk to your child about his/her bapstism. Find some photos if you can and talk about the special day. 

We learned there are 4 important symbols at a baptism

water-to symbolize cleansing our sins away
oil-symbolizes the Holy Spirit
white clothes-symbolizes purity
candle-represents the light of Christ in our lives

When you look at your baptism photos, keep an eye out for those 4 things!

We learned that with baptism we entered in as members of the Church.

After learning about baptisms, we acted one out. We came up with ideas of who would be there such as: parents, godparents, grandparents, and a priest!

We followed along with the book and acted our a baptism.

(The garbage can was the baptismal font)

Pouring "water" over the baby's head

Rubbing oil on the baby

Making the sign of the cross

Giving the godparents a candle lit from the Easter Candle

Proud Parents with their baby
Our closing prayer
Chapter 2 review: pages 33 and 34
Preparation for Chapter 3: pages 45 and 46
Attend Mass and bring a bulletin or song sheet to class from each week

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