Wednesday, August 1, 2012

VBS Day 2

Sorry I am late posting. We had a great day 2! You can read about what we learned today on the coloring sheet your child brought home.

Check it out!
What you see:
Sing and Play: Reviewing yesterday and learning the Bible Point for today. Collecting donations for our mosquito net collection. For every $6 collected, one mosquito net can be purchased to protect 2 kids in Africa!
Snack Service: One group made the snack for the day. Jello hearts and strawberry hearts!
Preschool Games: The "raised" Lazarus from under the parachute. 
Snack: We all ate together. 
Imagination Station: Decorating our hover balls: getting ready for our experiment. 
Bible Adventures: We learned about Jesus' friend Lazarus who was sick. We took care of him by putting blankets on him, but he died. We wrapped him in toilet paper and he went in the tomb. Jesus arrived and was very sad.  Suddenly a light came on and he came out. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. 
Preschool Imagination Station: Making our hoverballs!
Spotlight Drama
Finale: We learned that even when there are dark clouds around, the sun is always there behind them. Just like God is always there, even when we are sad! We also sang our songs and reviewed the day!

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