Monday, July 30, 2012

VBS Day 1

We had a phenomenal first day of VBS today!

Your child came home with a coloring sheet with information containing our Bible Point, Bible Buddy, and Bible Story. Take some time to talk to your child about this at home. They have a lot to share!

Check out our slideshow from today! You can see all of the fun things we did. In the middle you can even see a video of our snack time prayer! You could do this prayer at home before you eat too!

What you saw:
Sing and Play: singing and dancing and learning about the day
Snack: The preschoolers had snack service today. They made snack for everybody!
Spotlight Drama: Each day one group takes photos during games for our slideshow at the end of the day!
Games: Fun outside! The games focus on cooperation, not competition.
Imagination Station: Today we made our namebadge holders. They also hold our Bible Buddies!
Bible Adventures: We met out leaders and joined a Roman army! We saw a Roman officer's faith in action and discoverd Jesus' healing power!
Chadder Movie and Missions: We met Chadder and saw a movie about him. We started learning about our Operation Kid-to-Kid project. And got a Bible Buddy!
Snack: We all eat together. But first we pray!
Games: More games!
Finale: We reviewed the day, sang songs, played a game called "Will it launch?" and learned about our mosquito net donation collection. 1 net protects 2 kids for 4 years. Crazy!

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