Saturday, January 29, 2011

Liturgy of the Word

Today we reviewed Chapter 17, Liturgy of the Word.

We learned that the Liturgy of the Word is the first part of Mass when we listen to two readings, the Gospel and the Homily.

We learned that the first reading is usually from the Old Testament. The second reading is usually from the New Testament.

The Gospel is read from one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John)

After that, the priest or deacon shares the Homily with us. That is the time that he helps us understand the readings and the Gospel.

We learned about how to listen to God's Word

After that, we used our Mass Books to practice running through the Mass. Ms. Stephanie pretended to be "Father Steven" and stood on a chair to pretend it was the altar. We practiced all of the responses we say at Mass.

We watched a movie about Mass. Then we went back to our room and wrote cards to the military Men and Woman who are currently serving overseas and will not be home with their families for Valentine's Day.

Chapter 17 review
Other Notes:
A, B, and M will receive prizes at our next class for attending Mass the most times!
We are helping to participate in Mass on February 6th at 9:15. If you haven't let me know if you will be there, please let me know ASAP!
See you soon!
Reading The Creed together

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