Sunday, February 6, 2011

Second Grade Religious Ed Mass

Today we had the Mass that our class was in charge of helping at. We have spent the last couple of weeks planning who will do what and practicing and talking about our roles.

-helped pass out song sheets
-greeted people
-read the announcements
-did the readings
-helped with the collection
-helped usher people to communion
-passed out bulletins

We worked hard!

The congregation was VERY impressed with all we did and SO many people stopped Ms. Stephanie afterwards to tell her how much they loved our class being part of Mass.

Check out the video of what we did today!

Our next class is next week, February 12. Don't forget to have the homework done.

First Communion and Reconciliation Books:
The completed books are due to class on April 2nd. If you are unable to bring them to class that day, you can turn them in on April 9th at the final Religious Ed Mass.

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