Saturday, January 29, 2011


Sorry this post is a week late!

Last week we learned about Reconciliation. We reviewed Chapter 12 in our books.

After that, we split into groups to "write" a TV show based on forgiveness. We had to decide:
-Who is in the story
-What happened
-How does the person ask for forgiveness
-How do the people celebrate their reconciliation

Group 1
Who is in the story: God, Jesus and Mary
What happened: Mary had a baby and his name is Jesus
How does the person ask for forgiveness: God was mad because he had a lot to do
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: God told that Mary should ask forgiveness

Group 2
Who is in the story: J and A
What happened: A stole J's Bon Jovi Tickets
How does the person ask for forgiveness: A goes up to J and asks to forgive me
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: J forgives A. J and A go to D&B.

Group 3
Who is in the story: Brothers
What happened: He said bad words to someone
How does the person ask for forgiveness: Dear God I'm sorry for saiding bad words
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: they were friends

Group 4
Who is in the story: K, A, D
What happened: A and K got hurt by D
How does the person ask for forgiveness: D says sorry
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: By forgiving

Group 5
Who is in the story: C, B, S
What happened: C and B were playing tag and S wanted to play but they did not let her.
How does the person ask for forgiveness: "Sorry. Will you forgive us?" "yes"
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: By playing with S

Group 6
Who is in the story: B, O, E and Mitchell
What happened: Mitchell hit O
How does the person ask for forgiveness: Mitchell said, "do you forgive me?"
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: O says, "Of course because you are my brother."

Group 7
Who is in the story: M, N, J
What happened: N and J hurt M
How does the person ask for forgiveness:J and N asked for forgiveness
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: Going to church together

Group 8
Who is in the story: M, M, L, R
What happened: L stole food from the market
How does the person ask for forgiveness: L said sorry and brought it back
How do the people celebrate their reconciliation: She brought it back.
After that, Ms. Michele the Director of Religious Ed came to talk to us about Reconciliation. She talked to us about what it means, what it will be like when we participate in a Reconciliation Mass, and we acted out participating in confession.

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