Sunday, September 20, 2009

Session One and the Rosary

Yesterday was our first day of *real* class and we had a great session. We learned each other's names and made nametags that told about ourselves. We explored the first few pages in our book and learned about the different symbols we will find throughout the book. We also talked about what being Catholic means. Most of us were confused about the difference between ethnicity and religion and we had an interesting discussion about both. We thought it was really neat that we all come from different backgrounds, yet we share the same religion.

Take some time this week to discuss different religions with your child and people you know that have different faiths. We talked about how neat it is that we all share the same faith and it would be a great idea to carry that over to home.

Miss Stephanie had planned to cover chapter 1, but we were having such a great discussion we didn't get to it.

The last 30 minutes we spent in Miss Jane's room with the other second grade class learning about the rosary. Each of us received our own rosary to pray with at class each week. For now they will stay with Miss Stephanie so we can use them each week. Later we will get to take them home!

This is our prayer table. We begin each session with prayer.

Here we are looking at our books.

Miss Stephanie says when all of our parents sign the permission form, then she can take pictures of our faces!

Here we are drawing a picture of ourselves as a faith-learning second grader.

Here is one depiction of someone thinking and learning.

Here we are learning about the rosary in Miss Jane's class.

Here are some of us holding our rosaries as we prayed the Our Father and 10 Hail Marys.
Overall, we had a great class.
Check back next week for more about what we learned! Don't forget to make a comment on the post to let us know what you think!

Sign and return the permission form

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