Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chapter 1 and 2 and Deacon Ray

The only homework that was due this week was turning in the Picture Permission forms. Most everyone brought theirs! If you didn't turn it in, please do so by the next class.
We handed out A LOT of stickers today for those we brought a bulletin or song sheet from Mass last weekend! There are 2 weeks before the next class. If you bring 2 weeks worth of bulletins, you will get two stickers!
Today at Religious Ed class we covered Chapters 1 and 2. We learned that we believe in ONE God that is three persons. Those 3 persons are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We also practiced doing the sign of the cross before and after we pray at the beginning and end of class. We learned that Jesus is the son of God and Jesus did things that only God could do. We learned about Jesus' disciples and the 12 that he chose to be the leaders are called Apostles. We heard a story about Jesus calling his disciples and they left what they were doing to follow him. We drew a picture of that and what it meant to us on a fish. We drew on a fish because Jesus is the fisher of men. Listed around the fish are the names of Jesus' Apostles. We also learned that WE are all disciples of Jesus.
After that, we went to Miss Jane's room to listen to a guest speaker. Deacon Ray talked to us about what it means to be a Deacon and a Pastoral Associate. We learned what he does with funerals, baptisms, weddings, and taking care of the sick. We got to ask him all kinds of questions!
Here are some pictures of us drawing on our fish.

Here we are listening to Deacon Ray.

-Chapter review/Sharing faith with my family for Chapter 2 (Pages 32-34)
-Turn in Picture Permission Form if you haven't done so
I understand there was some confusion with the parking situations and pick up today. The church across the street had an event so the parking lot was blocked. In the future we should be able to use that parking lot! The procedures will be changing for dismissal to ensure the safety of all students. Please watch the mail for a letter to arrive before the next session. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office. We are sorry about the confusion today!

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