Tuesday, July 29, 2014

VBS 2014 Day 2

Today we learned:
Even when you are different....Jesus loves you!

The Bible Story for today is from
John 4:1-30
Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan woman.

In the time of Jesus some of the Jews (people like Jesus) did not get along with the Samaritan people because they were different.  One day, Jesus was traveling with his disciples and the stopped in the Samaritan village of Sychar.  It was about noon and Jesus sat down by a well while His disciples went into the village to find something for them to eat.

While Jesus’ disciples were away, a woman came to the well to get water for her home. This was very odd, though, because most women went to the well early in the morning. This woman chose the noon hour because she knew none of the others would be there. Jesus was tired from His trip and asked her for a drink of water. The woman was surprised! She knew that people like Jesus, Jews, did not like people like her.  The woman was also surprised because Jesus was a man, and men did not normally talk to women in public. 

Jesus didn’t care about differences because He loves everyone.  He didn’t see a woman who was different from Him:  He saw a woman who ached for love and acceptance.  After her conversation with Jesus, the woman ran to tell others about what she learned.  We are like the woman at the well, called to share the Good News.

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