Monday, July 28, 2014

VBS 2014 Day 1 (updated)

We had a bit of a camera mishap today, so I just have a few quick pictures to show you about our wonderful Day 1 at VBS Weird Animals!

Thank you all our kids and volunteers that made it such an awesome day!!!

Your child is bringing home a Bible Band and a coloring sheet that you can use to chat about what we learned today! If you are interested in buying the music CD, you can purchase for $10 before or after each day. Music is a great way to praise God!

Enjoy!!! And don't forget to practice our VBS prayer at dinner at home!

See you for Hawaiian Day on Tuesday!!!

Our Bible Point today:
Even when you feel left out....Jesus loves you!

Our Bible Story today: 

As Jesus was walking along the road, a group of 10 men who had a really bad disease called out to Jesus and asked Him to heal them.  The disease they had is called leprosy and it eats away at your skin so much that parts of your body rot away and falls off.  It hurts a lot.  Not only does it hurt a lot and looks and smells really bad, but if you had it, you weren’t allowed to be with any other people.  You had to leave your home and your town and live with other people who had this disease (other lepers).

This group of lepers was so lonely and hurt so much that they cried out to Jesus to have pity on them.  That means that they begged Jesus to see how miserable they were and asked Him to take away their pain and their shame of being put away from their family and friends.  Jesus knew how horrible it was to have this disease and He loved them and wanted them to get better.  He told the group of 10 lepers to go show themselves to the priests (a special leader of the church).

As they were going to the temple, they had a miracle!  They were healed!  The leprosy was gone!!  Jesus healed all their boo-boos and their bodies were like new.  Now they can go back to their families!!  Can you imagine how happy they were?!

(Click on the name of the video to open larger in YouTube.)

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