Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapters 9 and 10

This week we focused on Chapters 9 and 10 to follow up on the movie we watched last week about the Ten Commandments.

We began the day with prayer around our prayer table. We prayed that God be with us as we learn about what Jesus taught. We also prayed for people in our lives that are in special need of God's care.

4 kids helped us pray at the beginning of Chapter 9

We talked about following rules and laws. We realized that there are all kinds of rules and laws that we follow every day. They can be small such as: "Make your bed" and "Put your homework in your folder" to bigger ones such as "Do not steal" and "Do not kill".

We also learned that God gave us "free will". We have the ability to make choices, both bad and good. We talked about the choices that we face every day. Just like laws, they can be small such as "Cheerios or Lucky Charms?" to more important "Should I join in teasing the boy in my class or stand up for him?"

Make sure to take the time to talk about these choices with your child when they come up in your every day life. Make note of laws and rules as well as choices. Talking about choices and the various consequences is a great opportunity to have open lines of communication with your child.
We were also reminded that God loves everybody and will forgive everybody if they ask.
Working on a crossword puzzle.

Praying at the beginning of Chapter 10

We read the story of the "Prodigal Son" right from the Bible and talked about the choices both sons made as well as the forgiveness of the father. We cut out pictures of the story and sequenced them in order. Then we wrote notes under the pictures about what is happening in each picture. Make sure to go over this story with your child and have him/her retell you the story.

Here is the vocabulary we talked about this week:

-Assessment at the end of Chapter 9 (88, 89, 90)
-All Saints Day project. See the post from last week for details. All students will present their research about their saint for a few minutes. Everyone should dress up like their saint. Make sure your child practices at home so he/she is comfortable with the information.
-Attend Mass on Saturday, October 30 or Sunday October 31 to receive a blessing and process in wearing your saint attire.
Please let me know if you have ANY questions regarding the project.

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