Saturday, October 30, 2010

All Saints Day and Prayer

Today at Religious Ed we celebrated All Saint Day and learned about prayer.

We spent the first part of class sharing our Saint projects. Ms. Stephanie started by doing her presentation about St. Catherine of Sienna. After her presentation, we all took turns sharing about the saint we researched. We learned quite a bit from each other and even made connections between different saints. We learned that St. Joseph was Jesus' father and his wife's (Mary's) sister was in the room too as St. Elizabeth! Then we learned that St. Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus!

After we were all done, we did Chapter 24 about Prayer. We learned the importance of prayer and that prayer includes talking and listening to God. During one of our presentations we even learned that Saint Samthann taught that you can pray "standing, sitting, or laying down".

Other things we learned about prayer:
-You can pray by yourself or in a group.
-When we gather for Mass on Sunday, we are gathering to pray together and this is very powerful.
-You can pray standing, sitting, or laying down.
-You can pray to thank God .
-You can pray to ask for help.
-You can pray to ask for forgiveness
-You can pray any time

We also made prayer cards. We drew a picture of ourselves praying on one side and we have the Our Father on the other side.

All of us with our prayer cards
We brought our prayer cards to the gym with us and we are going to use them every week when we pray the Our Father together at our closing prayer time.

In the gym, several of us volunteered to help lead the whole Religious Ed group in praying the Our Father.

The rest of us prayed together from our seats

Here is a slideshow of all of us doing our presentations

Here is a video from YouTube of Ms. Stephanie's favorite version of the Litany of the Saints

-Attend Mass this weekend in your Saint costume to present your saint certificate and receive a blessing and religious ed commitment. Bring a song sheet or bulletin to class to get a sticker!
-Chapter review for Chapter 24.
-Write 4 prayers on the sheet we passed out in class. If you were not able to make it to class, email me and I can send you a copy to print out.

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