Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Mass and Taste Testing the Bread and Wine

Today we had a very eventful class! We focused on the Mass and we each brought home our very own Mass Book. These books are great to bring to Mass on Saturday/Sunday to help follow along. We practiced using the Mass books as we went through class today. Miss Stephanie was the "priest" and we all practiced saying the parts of Mass together.

Miss Stephanie's view of us from her "alter" (chair) as we followed along!

Most of us took our turn saying the Our Father in front of the class today. A few of us decided to take our turn at our last class on March 13. Those of us that took our turn today did an awesome job!

We also brought home our rosaries today. We have practiced using our rosaries throughout our year. We talked about the proper way to hold a rosary as well as practiced saying the Hail Mary and the Our Father.

The most anticipated part of the class today was having the chance to taste the bread and wine before our first communions. EVERYBODY tried the bread AND the wine. Miss Stephanie was very proud of us. We practiced the important parts of taking communion:

-stand quietly in line thinking about Jesus
-hold your hands together in front of your chest (left over right)
-bow your head before you receive communion
-say "Amen" after the minister says "The Body of Christ"
-say "Amen" after the minister says "The Blood of Christ"
-sit down in your seat quietly and say a prayer

We encourage everyone to take the wine during the First Communion. Also, Miss Stephanie encouraged everyone to sip the wine out of the chalice.

Check out the slideshow below. There is a picture of each of us tasting the bread or the wine!

-Review the "Lent" and the "The Three Days" chapters
-Keep practicing the Our Father.

Next Class:
Don't forget! Our next class on March 6 will be at Church of the Holy Spirit for a family Mass. Mass will be from 9:00-10:00 and attendance will be taken.

First Communion Books
A note went home from the Religious Ed office with all kids today with an invitation to bring your child's completed First Communion book to our last class on March 13 (please excuse the typo on the date). Books will be checked on that day and also at the Reconciliation Masses.

March 13 is our last class!

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