Saturday, February 6, 2010

Liturgy of the Word

Today at class we did Chapter 17 about the Liturgy of the Word.

We learned that Mass has 2 parts: The Liturgy of the Word and The Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Today we talked about The Liturgy of the Eucharist.
We learned:
-It is the first part of Mass.
-It is listening to God's Word
-It has 3 readings. The first reading is from the Old Testament. The second reading is from the New Testament. The third is the Gospel.
-In between the 2 readings we sing the psalm.
-Before the reading of the Gospel we sing the Alleluia
-After the Gospel, the priest gives the Homily (the part where he explains the readings in words that we understand)

We also tore out the "My Prayer Book" part of our books and practiced some of the prayers together. After that we watched a video about the Mass.
What we learned from the video:
-It is important to attend Mass every week
-Celebrating Mass is like celebrating a holiday with your family
-If you pay attention you will understand more about Mass
-It is good to be "ready to listen"
-You should only miss Mass for an emergency
Pages 112, 113, 114

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