Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Welcome to our Second Grade Religious Ed blog! Here we are going to keep you updated on what we are learning about, what is coming up and there are also neat links for families to use!
Check out the sidebar on the right. You will find a link for the CHS website as well as links for the books we use. Click on those! There are a lot of neat options for kids and families to interact and learn on the Internet!
On the right you will also find a schedule that includes Religious Ed class dates. As the year goes on, you will be updated with our topics and activities and homework in these posts. So keep checking back! I will also update with photos from class so you can have an insider view of what is happening in our class!
Please feel free to leave comments. This is a great opportunity for you to let me know what you think as well as interact with each other!
Happy Reading!
P.S. Don't forget to check back often for important updates!

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