Wednesday, July 31, 2013

VBS Day 3

Today at VBS we learned from Swift the Falcon that "Prayer helps us STAND STRONG!"

In Imagination Station we were wow-ed by an experiment that we didn't think was possible. In Chadder, we saw the crazy adventure Chadder was up to and got our Bible Buddy dog tags. In Games we learned how to joust and even Father John joined us! Check him out in the video! In King's Kitchen we ate a trailmix that reminded us about prayer. In Bible Adventures, we learned about the wall Nehamiah built by relying on the power of prayer. At Fanfare Finale Lady Sarah was struggling with all of her burdens and worries. With our encouragement she prayed and gave them to God. She felt much better and was able to lead us again!

See what we did here!

And check out some of our Bible Adventure activities here:
(Coming Soon)

Tomorrow is Royalty and Superhero Day!

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