Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 10 and Prayers

In class on Saturday, we did the short chapters on Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Then we also did Chapter 10.

While doing the chapter on Lent, we each wrote our own special Lent prayer. We practiced on scratch paper and then wrote on nice paper. These prayers would be perfect to say at dinner as a family during lent.

We talked about writing prayers and parts to include.

First, we said we should start with the Sign of the Cross.

Then we brainstormed openings.

After that we each wrote a:
praise (telling God we know He is wonderful)
thanks (thanking God for something he has done)
ask (asking for special prayers for someone in need)

Then we talked about various closings.

And then ended with the Sign of the Cross.
We put a lot of thought into our prayers and we hope they are used throughout the season of Lent.

Here you can see us working on our prayers and also see a few of us reading ours.

We also passed out Operation Rice Bowl bowls. They are to be put together at home and change can be collected in them throughout the week. Bring the bowls to Mass every week during Lent and there will be a time for the kids to bring up their change and dump it in a basket.

I explained to the kids that Operation Rice Bowl is important to me because my sister works for Catholic Relief Services (she is stationed in Cairo, Egypt but is in Turkey right now working with Syrian Refugee Camps) and sees first hand what they money does. CRS is an amazing organization and is usually named one of the top charities that gives the highest percentage of it's income to charity instead of as overhead costs.

Watch this video about Operation Rice Bowl. It is kind of long but it is a great opportunity for you to sit with your kids and talk about the difference between our lives and the lives of the people Operation Rice Bowl is helping. 

Homework: Chapter 10 Review

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