Friday, August 3, 2012

VBS Day 4

You can check out the slideshow from our 4th day of VBS below!

What you will see:
Sing and Play-singing our songs for the day and learning the Bible Point
Snack-Learning about the snack for the day and making it!
Games-The preschoolers running through the hula hoop obstacle course. Then the older kids picked up clouds (cotton balls) with their noses!)
Imagination Station-Voting with our beads. 
Chadder-Chadder quizzed us about what we learned yesterday. 
Bible Adventures-We learned that Jesus died on the cross. Our crew leaders walked around the room with a cross to remind us how Jesus carried his cross. For us! For every one of us. We held our arms out and realized it must have been tiring! Then we talked about things that we do that aren't a good idea and put our sins on the cross. Jesus saved us from our sins!
Imagination Station-We threw our flyers outside!
Finale-We have raised over $170 so far for mosquito nets! Then Miss Sarah was trying to figure out how to make her kite work with the two halves. It just wouldn't work! Then she taped the pieces together and it worked! Through the cross, all things are possible!

We look forward to seeing you for our celebrations on Friday and Sunday!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

VBS Day 3

We can't believe there are only 2 more days left of VBS! We have learned so much and made such great friendships in such a short time! You may notice in the pictures we look goofy. It was crazy day!

What you see:
Sing and Play: Putting cotton balls on our poster to represent our God Sightings. Take the time to look around and notice God in everything you do! Silly Flash visits us at Sing and Play every day. We are teaching her to TRUST GOD!
Snack: We worked as a team to make the snack for the day.
Preschool Games
Snack: We had rootbeer floats! We put the ice cream in and then added the rootbeer. The ice cream floated to the top just like an eagle soars in the sky! The preschoolers also say our prayer when they have snack!
Imagination Station: Decorating our tube-a-loons
Bible Adventures: We found some clues in our garden and went on a hunt for clues. We found: 30 coins that Judas left when he felt bad for betraying Jesus, a crown of thorns Jesus wore, Jesus' clothes, and Pontius Pilate's belongings. With his belongings we found a bowl of water because he "washed his hands of Jesus". We went back to our garden and prayed together. 
Chadder Movie and Missions: We talked about Scout the eagle and then prayed together with Chadder. 
Preschool Imagination Station: We decorated our tube-a-loons and then threw them!
Imagination Station: Throwing our tube-a-loons outside. Just some plastic, but they could fly!
Sotlight Drama: Watching the powerpoint that WE starred in of the Bible Story.
Finale: We talked about mean things that people do. All of the crew leaders brought up balloons that represented bad things that kids do to each other. 
She felt the weight of the balloons. But when she trusted God, the balloons fell away!

VBS Day 2

Sorry I am late posting. We had a great day 2! You can read about what we learned today on the coloring sheet your child brought home.

Check it out!
What you see:
Sing and Play: Reviewing yesterday and learning the Bible Point for today. Collecting donations for our mosquito net collection. For every $6 collected, one mosquito net can be purchased to protect 2 kids in Africa!
Snack Service: One group made the snack for the day. Jello hearts and strawberry hearts!
Preschool Games: The "raised" Lazarus from under the parachute. 
Snack: We all ate together. 
Imagination Station: Decorating our hover balls: getting ready for our experiment. 
Bible Adventures: We learned about Jesus' friend Lazarus who was sick. We took care of him by putting blankets on him, but he died. We wrapped him in toilet paper and he went in the tomb. Jesus arrived and was very sad.  Suddenly a light came on and he came out. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. 
Preschool Imagination Station: Making our hoverballs!
Spotlight Drama
Finale: We learned that even when there are dark clouds around, the sun is always there behind them. Just like God is always there, even when we are sad! We also sang our songs and reviewed the day!