Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chapters 12 and 13

This week we covered Chapters 12 and 13. 

In Chapter 12 we learned the story of Zacchaeus

One of us reads the story of Zacchaeus.
See us all tell the story of Zacchaeus!
We talked about how the people must have felt that day. They were all there to see and learn from Jesus. After following him around in a large crowd, Jesus stopped and invited himself to one man's house. But they couldn't believe who Jesus was talking to! Zacchaeus! He wasn't even a good man. He was a tax collector who cheated and stole people's money. Was Jesus tricked? Did he not know what was going on? We don't think so!! We think Jesus knew he could turn Zacchaeus' life around! 

We all wrote down and read our answer to the question "What was Jesus thinking that day?"

This week we talked again about how God will always forgive us. In Chapter 13 we learned about reconciliation. We practiced thinking about something we have done that we shouldn't have done. We prayed to God to ask for his forgiveness. 

We also practiced going to Reconciliation and telling the priest our sins. 

In Chapter 13 we learned about 2 different types of sins.

In Chapter 13 we learned the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man. A few of us practiced retelling the story with the pieces we colored and cut out:

Ask your child to see those pictures and practice retelling the story at home!

Page 97
Page 105
Reread the Bible stories in those two chapters and talk about them at home!

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