Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chapters 12 and 13

This week we covered Chapters 12 and 13. 

In Chapter 12 we learned the story of Zacchaeus

One of us reads the story of Zacchaeus.
See us all tell the story of Zacchaeus!
We talked about how the people must have felt that day. They were all there to see and learn from Jesus. After following him around in a large crowd, Jesus stopped and invited himself to one man's house. But they couldn't believe who Jesus was talking to! Zacchaeus! He wasn't even a good man. He was a tax collector who cheated and stole people's money. Was Jesus tricked? Did he not know what was going on? We don't think so!! We think Jesus knew he could turn Zacchaeus' life around! 

We all wrote down and read our answer to the question "What was Jesus thinking that day?"

This week we talked again about how God will always forgive us. In Chapter 13 we learned about reconciliation. We practiced thinking about something we have done that we shouldn't have done. We prayed to God to ask for his forgiveness. 

We also practiced going to Reconciliation and telling the priest our sins. 

In Chapter 13 we learned about 2 different types of sins.

In Chapter 13 we learned the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man. A few of us practiced retelling the story with the pieces we colored and cut out:

Ask your child to see those pictures and practice retelling the story at home!

Page 97
Page 105
Reread the Bible stories in those two chapters and talk about them at home!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Eve Mass

On Christmas Eve some of us helped act out the Gospel during the 2:30 Mass. We were a very important part of the Mass as we helped the congregation understand the story of Jesus' birth. The people at Mass loved seeing us be part of the Gospel. Thanks to those who participated!

Sessions 17 and 18

Today we covered chapters 17 (Jesus Loves the Church) and 18 (Gathering for Mass) in our books.

We began our class, as we do every class, by gathering around our prayer table. We prayed to help us learn today and also asked for prayers for friends and family members who need our help.

In chapter 17 we learned about the story of the two disciples inviting Jesus to dinner. We read the story and then 3 of us volunteered to act out the story.

Two of Jesus' disciples were walking down the road. 
They were feeling sad about Jesus dying. 
They ran into a stranger. 
They told him all about Jesus. 
Then they invited him to dinner. 
At dinner the man broke bread, blessed it, and gave it to the disciples. 
Then they knew it was Jesus. 
Jesus had risen from the dead.

We learned that this story is important because the two disciples were nice and welcoming even when they didn't know it was Jesus they were talking to! We talked about ways we can be welcoming to other people in our lives and at church.

We also cut out 4 pictures and put them in order to retell the story. After that we wrote on our papers to retell the story. This is something you should ask your child to share with you!

Some of us read what we wrote:

In chapter 18 we read about out the Mass. We also learned the importance of spreading the Word that "Jesus Saves". We made megaphones to help us spread the Word with our families!

At the end of class Ms. Rosi came to talk to us about Liturgy. We talked about some of the different people that help make the Mass happen. Some of those are jobs that we did when we hosted our second grade Mass. People help prepare the church just as people who invite us to dinner prepare for us to come. There are people whose job it is to decorate the church for the different seasons. At the beginning of Mass we bring in candles and the cross. All of these things help us prepare for the celebration.

When we are at church, Fr. John represents Jesus. We remember the last supper every time we attend Mass when we participate in the Eucharist.

There are two parts to the Mass: Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist.

-attend Mass and bring your bulletin to get a sticker
-pages 137 and 145 in the book (marked by post-its)