Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sessions 2, 3, 4

Today we had a very busy class! We were a little behind from last week so we covered 3 chapters in our book. Yikes!

We started class by gathering around our prayer table.We prayed together starting with the sign of the cross.

Here is a clip about making the sign of the cross:

After making the sign of the cross, we said a prayer about readying ourselves to learn about God. We asked for prayers for those in our lives that need extra help. We learned that we can pray by ourselves or with a group. But many people praying for the same thing is very powerful. After someone asked for a prayer we said, "Lord, hear our prayer."

After that we talked about our families and how they are the same and different. Some of us have brothers and/or sisters. Some have none. We held up our hands with the number of people in our families. Some have 2. Some have 10! Even though we are all different, God loves us all the same.

We talked about important names for Jesus such as: Jesus (which means God Saves), Emmanuel, Christ, Messiah, and Savior. Some of us know what our names mean. Stephanie means crown! Part of your homework is to look up the meaning of your (the child's) name. Here is a link where you can do so:

After you learn the meaning of the child's name, please post a comment on this blog post sharing what you learned! We will talk about them at the next class.

We learned to Trust in God. Jesus teaches us that we can always place our trust in God. We even circled that heading in our books to remind us when we go back through the chapters.

We also learned in that chapter that Jesus teaches us that we don't need to worry. There are so many things that we can worry about, but when we place our trust in God, he takes our worries away. We talked about different things that worry us. Some things that we said are: getting in trouble at home if we got in trouble at school, what will happen in the future, our parents dying, and being scared of certain animals.

We took our worries out of our heads and put them right into our hands and closed our fists.

Then we lined up at the sink and threw them right in! We don't have to worry about them! God will take care of it for us.

We read the story of Simeon and Jesus. Simeon had been praying and praying to the Holy Spirit to meet the messiah when he comes. Simeon was very old, so he wasn't sure that would happen. When he was praying the temple one day, Mary, Joseph and Jesus came in! He knew when he held Jesus that he was the Messiah. Simeon prayed to the Holy Spirit, that he could go in peace now that he had met the messiah just like the Holy Spirit promises. 4 of us held pictures from the story and with a helper, put ourselves in order. Then one of us retold the story to help us remember it.

While the 5 of them were putting the story in order, the rest of us reviewed the story in our books.

After that we went outside with....

We blew bubbles all over the place. 
Then Miss Stephanie asked us to count them. 


We realized there was no way we could begin to count the bubbles. Just like there were too many bubbles to count, God's love for us is too big to measure. He loves us so much!

At the end of class, we took a quick little quiz to see what we learned. Miss Stephanie collected them to see how we did.

Today was one of the parent sessions for parents whose children are making a sacrament. If you didn't make it today, please make sure you call the office and get the information you need.

-Living My Faith for chapters 2, 3, 4 (pages 17, 25, 33). They are marked with post-its in our books.
-Leave a comment on the blog after looking up your child's name on the website. To leave a comment, click on the button at the bottom that says "comments". You can sign up for a free Google Account or leave it anonymously.
-See you in a couple weeks! 


  1. I learned by clicking on the link that my name means "crown!"

    -Miss stephanie

  2. Ryan means "king".
