Thursday, July 28, 2011

VBS Day 4

We can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of VBS! The week has flown by.

Today we learned about Jesus dying and rising again. We learned that Jesus told his friend Peter (before he died) that he would deny knowing him 3 times. Peter was horrified! Of course he would never do that to his friend Jesus. But unfortunately Jesus was right. Peter did deny knowing him 3 times. He was so embarrassed and he ran away and hid. And Jesus was died on the cross- to save us from our sins. But after he rose from the dead, Jesus forgave Peter; because Jesus is loving and forgiving like that.

We learned that even if we sin, and turn our backs to the cross, when we turn around....Jesus will still be there! He always loves and forgives us!

Enjoy our pictures from today:

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