Saturday, July 30, 2011

VBS Day 5

We can't believe it, but VBS 2012 is over!

We had a fabulous last day learning the story of God giving Hannah a baby. We learned how Hannah felt when she really wanted a baby. It was even worse for her when her husband's other wife Peninnah (because back then men sometimes had more than one wife) had lots of babies. We learned how that might feel when all of the crew leaders got lots of candy and the kids got none. AND THEN because Peninnah had more kids, she got more food. That made Hannah feel even worse. So then our crew leaders got even MORE candy. Poor Hannah. She must have felt terrible. Not only did she really, really want a baby. But Peninnah made her feel even worse when she teased Hannah. We didn't like how it felt when our crew leaders got all the candy and then teased us so we started to imagine how Hannah felt.

We learned that Hannah went to the temple and she prayed and prayed. She promised that if she was given a baby, she would give him back to the Lord. And guess what? She finally got pregnant. She followed through with her promise and brought him to the temple and he dedicated his life to God. After that, she had many more babies and was very happy!

We learned that God listens to us and God gives really good gifts!

After we finished all of our regular VBS fun and learning, we had our annual final celebration. We sang 5 of our songs for all of the people that came to see us and we were really proud to show off what we learned.

We are excited to do it one more time on Sunday!

(Check back in a few days and I will post video of our performances!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

VBS Day 4

We can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of VBS! The week has flown by.

Today we learned about Jesus dying and rising again. We learned that Jesus told his friend Peter (before he died) that he would deny knowing him 3 times. Peter was horrified! Of course he would never do that to his friend Jesus. But unfortunately Jesus was right. Peter did deny knowing him 3 times. He was so embarrassed and he ran away and hid. And Jesus was died on the cross- to save us from our sins. But after he rose from the dead, Jesus forgave Peter; because Jesus is loving and forgiving like that.

We learned that even if we sin, and turn our backs to the cross, when we turn around....Jesus will still be there! He always loves and forgives us!

Enjoy our pictures from today:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I can't believe we are over halfway done with VBS!

We had another fabulous day today at Day 3 of PandaMania!

Though we had another funeral in the church and rain outside, we didn't let it stop us from singing, learning and praying.

Today we learned the story of Jonah. We learned that he disobeyed God and didn't believe His power. After he disobeyed God by running away, he found himself stuck inside a giant fish!

You can watch this YouTube video of Jonah and the Whale with your child. Your child can take some time today to explain how we learned this story at all of our different stations today:

Enjoy the slideshow showing the pictures from our exciting day today! We were even swallowed by a whale!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

VBS Day 2

Today at VBS we learned about Elijah proving how powerful God is by creating fire even after he dumped water on the wood! Elijah proved to the prophets of Baal that their god was a false god and the God we believe in is strong and powerful.

There was a funeral at church today; therefore we had snack outside. It was a yummy cupcake picnic! Our cupcake altar snack had blue frosting to represent the water that was poured on Elijah's fire. The red hots on top represented the fire that God sent to Elijah.

We have enjoyed having the VIPs (Very Important Pandas) in the Rowdy Wrap-Up with us to share all that we are learning about God.

You are encouraged to look at the slideshows with your child. You can use this time to ask him/her what they did at VBS and they can explain what is happening in each picture!

Here are the Day 2 pictures:

Monday, July 25, 2011

VBS Day 1

We had a phenomenal first day of VBS today!

It was a busy busy day! So I am just getting around to posting the pictures now. Hope you enjoy checking out some of what we did today.

Your child should have came home with a coloring sheet with information containing our Bible Point, Bible Buddy, and Bible Story. Take some time to talk to your child about this at home. They have a lot to share!

Enjoy the slideshow below!