Saturday, March 5, 2011

Preparing for Lent and The Eucharist

We had a VERY busy class today at Religious Ed.

We started by writing thank you notes to Fr. John and letting him know what we learned from his visit two weeks ago.

Then we did an Echo Pantomime about Lent to prepare us thinking about Lenten season ahead of us. We also learned that Ash Wednesday is this coming Wednesday. We talked about the importance of attending an Ash Wednesday Mass (make sure to bring a song sheet from Mass when you go)!

Watch our video here:

After that we used our Mass books to practice going through the Mass. We practiced all of the responses. While acting out Mass, we had the chance to taste the bread and the wine. We practiced lining up and taking communion like we were at church. We learned that since the gifts were not consecrated (blessed) they are still bread and wine and not yet Jesus' body and blood (but they will still taste the same).

We practiced:
-Holding our hands in front of us-left over right.
-When the priest/minister says, "The body of Christ," we respond, "Amen."
-Then we pick up the host with the other hand and put it in our mouths. We try not to chomp on it like gum, but we can chew it to make it easier to swallow.
-Then we go to the next minister. When the minister says, "The blood of Christ," we respond, "Amen."
-Then we take the cup in both of our hands and take a small sip.
-Though some people do "dip" the host, we are encouraging taking a sip. It is actually more germ-y to dip than sip because people's fingers have more germs than their mouths! And even when people don't think they are, they often get their fingers in the cup. Though some churches do allow parishioners who desire to do so, dip. Proper practice is to sip the wine.
-One of the most important things we learned: When you get back to your seat, it is a time to sit and pray. Thank God for the things in your life and ask for prayers for what you need.

Check out the slideshow of our "communion" today:

To Do:
-There's no homework for next week!
-Bring the Mass books to church with you over the next several weeks. They are great to follow along with and help your child learn the responses.
-Make sure you are finishing up your First Eucharist and First Reconciliation books. They are due to class on April 2.
-Attend Ash Wednesday Mass this week.

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