Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chapter 2 and Ordinary Time

This week during class we did Chapter 2 and the Chapter 7 (Ordinary Time).

In Chapter two we heard the story of Pentecost. We read the story from our children's Bible and then we did an activity. We cut apart the parts of the story and then put them in order again. We had to think of the last part of the story ourselves.

-Early one Sunday morning the disciples were together in one place.
-The disciples went out into the street.
-The disciples heard a noise like a strong wind.
-They saw what looked like flames of fire over each of them.

For the last one our answers varied:
-Peter told the crowd what happened.
-All the people understood in their own language.
-Thousands of people were baptized that day

Cutting apart the sentences

Trying to put them in the right order

Trying to figure it out!

At the end of Chapter 2, we reviewed the 4 main vocabulary words that we learned. Then we went around the room asking our peers what the words meant and writing down their answers.

The four words we learned were:
disciples-the followers of Jesus
apostles-the 12 leaders from the disciples
Resurrection-Jesus rising from the dead
Church-the community of believers

-Mostly everyone who came to class on Saturday brought in their completed homework! Everyone who did so got a sticker. If you missed class, you can show me homework at the beginning of the next class you attend to get a sticker.
-Only one person remembered their bulletin or song sheet to show that they went to Mass. Don't forget your bulletin or song sheet to get a sticker for going to Mass! Part of class is attending Mass every week. You can attend any Mass during the weekend! You will, however, most often find me at 9:15 and the 9:15 Mass has Children's Liturgy of the Word (where the kids go downstairs to learn about the Liturgy of the Word in their terms).
-Chapter 2 assessment-pages 32, 33, and 34

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