Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chapter 2 and Ordinary Time

This week during class we did Chapter 2 and the Chapter 7 (Ordinary Time).

In Chapter two we heard the story of Pentecost. We read the story from our children's Bible and then we did an activity. We cut apart the parts of the story and then put them in order again. We had to think of the last part of the story ourselves.

-Early one Sunday morning the disciples were together in one place.
-The disciples went out into the street.
-The disciples heard a noise like a strong wind.
-They saw what looked like flames of fire over each of them.

For the last one our answers varied:
-Peter told the crowd what happened.
-All the people understood in their own language.
-Thousands of people were baptized that day

Cutting apart the sentences

Trying to put them in the right order

Trying to figure it out!

At the end of Chapter 2, we reviewed the 4 main vocabulary words that we learned. Then we went around the room asking our peers what the words meant and writing down their answers.

The four words we learned were:
disciples-the followers of Jesus
apostles-the 12 leaders from the disciples
Resurrection-Jesus rising from the dead
Church-the community of believers

-Mostly everyone who came to class on Saturday brought in their completed homework! Everyone who did so got a sticker. If you missed class, you can show me homework at the beginning of the next class you attend to get a sticker.
-Only one person remembered their bulletin or song sheet to show that they went to Mass. Don't forget your bulletin or song sheet to get a sticker for going to Mass! Part of class is attending Mass every week. You can attend any Mass during the weekend! You will, however, most often find me at 9:15 and the 9:15 Mass has Children's Liturgy of the Word (where the kids go downstairs to learn about the Liturgy of the Word in their terms).
-Chapter 2 assessment-pages 32, 33, and 34

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Day of Class

We had a very successful first day of second grade Religious Ed class on Saturday!

We started class by gathering around our prayer table. We prayed together and anyone who had a specific person they wanted to pray for shared with the class.

On our prayer table we have a Bible, a rosary, a cross and a (LED) candle.

We got our books and our folders (that we will bring every week) and wrote our names on them. We read the first few pages in our book to learn about our book and the different parts. Then we did Chapter 1.

Three kids in our class led us in the prayer at the beginning of Chapter 1.

As we went through Chapter 1, we wrote down notes about the important things we learned.
These are the sticker charts we will be using to chart homework completion and mass attendance.
**Housekeeping Notes**
Please remember that you will need to park and come inside the gym at 11:00 for dismissal. The kids will stay sitting until you have checked in with me. I will mark each child off as he/she is picked up. This will go faster each week as I learn everybody's faces!
After you send back the permission forms, I will be able to post pictures up close of the kids as they lead us in prayer and in role playing activities. Right now I have only group pictures posted.
-go on the Sadlier We Believe website (link to the right) and complete an activity
-page 16 at the beginning of the book (review with family)
-pages 24, 25, 26 (page 24 is the assessment of the chapter we completed and pages 25 and 26 are to be shared with the family)
-attend Mass and bring a song sheet OR bulletin to class
**Notes about the homework**
There will be homework every time we have class, however, it should not take much time. There will be a chapter review for every chapter we complete that is only 5 questions. The other pages are to be done as a family so your child can share with his/her family what he/she learned in class.
We had a great first day of class and look forward to seeing you again next week!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to Second Grade

Welcome to the 2010/2011 Religious Education year!

This is a place where you can keep updated with what we are covering in your child's second grade Religious Ed Class and create conversation at home about what is happening in our class.

Each week we have class, I will post an update about what we learned, hopefully some pictures, and the homework assignment.

In addition, you can find important links on the right side of the page.

I love to hear from parents, so please consider commenting on the posts to develop a dialogue between families.

I look forward to working with your family this year!