Monday, August 2, 2010

VBS-Day 1

Today was the first day of VBS and we had a fabulous start to our week!

We played getting to know you games outside, the preschoolers made snack for the whole group, we made decorated pouches to carry our Bible Buddies and nametags, we watched a movie about our friend Chaddar the Chipmunk, and got to experience how Peter felt when he was in prison. On top of that, we sang and danced and prayed all together!

Check out the coloring sheet the kids brought home today to read the Bible story as a family and practice our Bible Point and Bible Verse of the day!

Here are some pictures to get a taste of what we did today:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie

    Thank you very much for posting updates and pictures of RE group. Beautiful pictures and videos.

    Sebastian DSouza's parent
