Thursday, August 5, 2010

VBS-Day 4

Today we enjoyed another fun and learning filled day of Vacation Bible School.

We learned about the story of Peter and John teaching about Jesus and Peter curing the crippled man. We saw this story come to life in Bible Voyage, made a craft to reinforce the story, discussed the story and how we would feel, played games to remind us about the story, and of course sang and danced!

We look forward to seeing you at noon on Friday for our performance, slideshow and dessert and then again on Sunday at 9:15 Mass.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

VBS-Day 3

Today we had another fabulous day on our high seas expedition! Even though we started off with stormy weather on the seas, the sun came out and we were able to sail clearly!

We learned about Paul after he got shipwrecked on the island and how he didn't die after getting bitten by a snake. Our Bible Point was "God is surprising!" (Land-Ho!) We learned all about this story in Bible Adventures, made surprising Bopper Poppers, saw Chadder in his crazy adventures, and played some ship wreck games outside! On top of that we ate yummy snake snacks!

We have also been practicing our songs and look forward to singing them for everyone on Friday at noon and Sunday at 9:15 Mass.

Here is the slideshow, enjoy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

VBS-Day 2

We had another fabulous day on our High Seas Expedition today!

We got in a boat and survived a terrible storm in Bible Voyage today! There were even cool waves! In Clipper Ship Crafts we made a Comfort Pillow because God's Word is Comforting! (Land-Ho!) In Chadder we talked about our God Sightings and saw what craziness Chadder got himself into. In games, we went fishing with our feet and swabbed the deck in an obstacle course. One group made us snack and then we ate yummy Chip Dip Wrecks (chips, cheese, and Ranch dip). On top of all that we sang our songs and danced ourselves silly!

T-shirts and CDs are still for sale before and after the program each day.

There is a slideshow below. Just click play and enjoy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

VBS-Day 1

Today was the first day of VBS and we had a fabulous start to our week!

We played getting to know you games outside, the preschoolers made snack for the whole group, we made decorated pouches to carry our Bible Buddies and nametags, we watched a movie about our friend Chaddar the Chipmunk, and got to experience how Peter felt when he was in prison. On top of that, we sang and danced and prayed all together!

Check out the coloring sheet the kids brought home today to read the Bible story as a family and practice our Bible Point and Bible Verse of the day!

Here are some pictures to get a taste of what we did today: