Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chapter 15 and Sr. Marianne

This week we reviewed Chapter 9 from last week and the 10 Commandments. Then we began Chapter 15 about the Eucharist. In addition, we covered Chapter 13 about Advent. We were also lucky enough to have Sister Marianne come to talk to us about what Advent means.

You can check our our sticker charts and see how it is going!

This is the "Going to Church" sticker chart. Many kids are having fun with the competition and are excited to bring in copies of the bulletin to earn their stickers each session. Some kids I have seen at church and haven't remembered to bring in any bulletins....but those I have seen, I gave one sticker!

This is the homework sticker chart! Make sure you check your child's book and/or the website each weekend and encourage him/her to complete the homework.

  • Review Chapter 15 with your family (we didn't finish it in class) and do the Review on pages 136 and 137. We didn't have a chance to flag the pages with post its in class.

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