Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Class 12-4 Chapter 9

So far we have covered Chapters 1-9. Tonight we completed Chapter 9 and learned all about how God is responsible for the creation of the whole wonderful world, including the multitude of birds, bees, flowers, and plants. God wants us to take care of all of his creation. But the most important thing we learned is that God loves all of us even more than the number of all the birds, bees, flowers, and plants!

Every week we have homework. The homework is collected at the beginning of class. We have a sticker chart that helps us keep track of our homework. Please make sure you are taking time as a family to complete the religious ed homework. In addition to completing the review from the Chapter we completed that week, the homework involves preparing as a family for the next chapter. 

Additionally, we begin each class by collecting bulletins from those that have attended Mass. Attending Mass is an important part of First Communion preparation. Attending Mass in the midst of our busy lives can be difficult to fit it, but it is important to show your First Communion student that you value this special and important sacrament. 

Homework for this week is the chapter review of Chapter 9 and the beginning review of Chapter 10.