Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stations of the Cross

For Religious Ed class on Saturday we were very busy! First Fr. John talked to us about adoration. It is an opportunity for us to be in the presence of Jesus and use that time to pray to Jesus truly present in the Eucharist. We place the Blessed sacrament (or consecrated host) into the monstrance and pray to Jesus present there

Then we went on a scavenger hunt around the church. After that, they 5th graders acted out the stations of the cross for us. At the end we were able to go around the church and see the stations ourselves. We talked about what was happening in each one and what we remembered from seeing the presentation. 

You can go through the Stations of the Cross with your child right here:

Why Stations of the Cross?
From the website:

Stations are places where people wait while they are going from one place to another. A school-bus stop is like a station. People wait at train stations or bus stations or airports. Think of some stations where you have been.

Stations are also places where people take time to think about Jesus as he went to die on a cross. They are “Stations of the Cross.” They show us how much Jesus loved us.

You do not have to think of all of the Stations of the Cross on one day. You may want to stay at one Station with Jesus for a few days before you move to another Station. Whatever you decide, Jesus is with you and he loves you.

As you "visit" each station on the website with your child, look at the picture and ask him or her
"What is happening here?"

At church we looked at each painting around the church and talked about what was happening after we saw the presentation by the 5th graders. 


Our Scavenger Hunt

the seats

the altar

the baptismal font

the altar

the Presider's chair

 thurible (incense thing)

Blessed Sacrament Chapel


Presentation of Stations of the Cross